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Challenges in the implementation of seamless mobility in the current and future telecommunication infrastructure

G. López, J.I. Moreno, A. Brito, H.J. Einsiedler, R.L. Aguiar, V. Jesus, R. Gálvez

17 ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, Osnabrück (Alemania). 09-10 mayo 2012

In such a globalised world where distances are becoming shorter and shorter while industry and economy broaden and widen, mobility represents definitely a hot topic for network operators. Moreover, network architectures are evolving continuously under the precepts stated by ITU-T Next Generation Networks. However, there are some former widely deployed and accepted network architectures which will have to coexist with the latter. This paper aims to analyse inter-domain handovers involving current (3GPP technologies) and future (pure all-IP technologies) communication platforms based on use-cases, paying special attention to the main challenges that have to be faced in each situation. It aims to figure out how inter-domain handovers could be managed, analysing for this purpose different scenarios involving current and future network architectures.

Fecha de publicación: 2012-05-09.

G. López, J.I. Moreno, A. Brito, H.J. Einsiedler, R.L. Aguiar, V. Jesus, R. Gálvez, Challenges in the implementation of seamless mobility in the current and future telecommunication infrastructure, 17 ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, Osnabrück (Alemania). 09-10 mayo 2012.

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